15 Hidden Facts About Fast-Growing Fruit Trees in the United States That Will Amaze You



Discover 15 lesser-known, surprising facts about the fastest-growing fruit trees in the United States. Perfect for gardeners and fruit enthusiasts looking to add rapid-growth productivity to their orchards.

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Mulberry trees can grow up to 10 feet in a single season and start producing fruit within the first year.

1. Mulberry Tree    (Morus spp.)   Abundant Harvests

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Fig trees grow quickly and can produce two crops per year, providing a continuous supply of sweet, nutritious figs.

2. Fig Tree  (Ficus carica)  Ficus Fruit Frenzy

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Peach trees can grow up to 3 feet per year and often start bearing fruit within 2-3 years of planting

3. Peach Tree  (Prunus persica)  Rapid Ripe Peaches

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Certain apple tree varieties, such as ‘Gala’ and ‘Golden Delicious’, can grow 2-3 feet per year and bear fruit in just 3-4 years.

4. Apple Tree  (Malus domestica)   Early Apple Enjoyment

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Apricot trees can grow up to 2 feet per year and start producing fruit within 2-4 years, offering sweet, tangy apricots.

5. Apricot Tree  (Prunus armeniaca) Quick to Blossom

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Plum trees, especially the 'Santa Rosa' variety, can grow 2-3 feet per year and bear fruit in just 2-3 years

6. Plum Tree  (Prunus domestica) Speedy Sweets

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 Dwarf and semi-dwarf pear trees can grow up to 2 feet per year and start producing fruit in 3-4 years.

7. Pear Tree  (Pyrus communis)  Fast-Growing Pears

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Sweet cherry trees can grow up to 3 feet per year and begin bearing fruit within 4-5 years of planting.

8. Cherry Tree  (Prunus avium)  Quick Cherry Harvest

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Nectarine trees grow at a rate of about 2-3 feet per year and start yielding fruit in 2-3 years.

9. Nectarine Tree  (Prunus persica var. nucipersica)  Rapid Nectarine Production

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Japanese persimmon trees grow quickly, up to 2 feet per year, and can bear fruit in as little as 3-4 years.

10. Persimmon Tree (Diospyros kaki)  Fast Fruiting

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Pomegranate trees can grow up to 3 feet per year and start producing fruit within 2-3 years of planting.

11. Pomegranate Tree (Punica granatum) Prolific Pomegranates

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Hardy kiwi vines can grow up to 6 feet per year and start bearing fruit in 3-5 years, perfect for fast vertical growth.

12. Kiwi Vine (Actinidia deliciosa) Rapid Climber

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Fast-growing varieties like ‘Meyer’ lemon and ‘Satsuma’ mandarin can grow 2-3 feet per year and produce fruit in just 2-3 years.

13. Citrus Trees  (Citrus spp.)  Speedy Citrus

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Native to the US, pawpaw trees grow up to 2 feet per year and produce custard-like fruit within 4-8 years.

14. Pawpaw Tree (Asimina triloba) Tropical Taste

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Jujube trees can grow up to 2-3 feet per year and start bearing fruit in 3-4 years, offering sweet and crunchy dates.

15. Jujube Tree  (Ziziphus jujuba)  Fast-Growing Delights

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These fast-growing fruit trees not only enhance your garden with their quick growth and beautiful foliage but also provide an abundant harvest of delicious fruits in a short period, perfect for eager gardeners and fruit lovers alike.

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